Supercharge your
workflow with
BotBuddy AI
Create custom bots for every automation need.
Closed Beta: December 20, 2024 - June 20, 2025
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Who We Are
One-stop solution for AI-driven chatbots, advanced AI models, and process automation designed specifically for businesses.
Our primary offering, the GPT-4o, is fully configured and managed through our intuitive dashboard, allowing you to harness the power of AI effortlessly.
At BotBuddy, we understand the unique challenges faced by companies and are dedicated to providing tailored solutions that enhance productivity, streamline workflows, and engage customers like never before.
Our state-of-the-art chatbots and automation tools are crafted to integrate seamlessly into your existing systems, ensuring a smooth transition and immediate impact.
Join us at BotBuddy and experience the future of business automation and AI-powered customer interaction.
Transform your business operations with the precision and efficiency only BotBuddy can deliver.
Automate repetitive tasks, provide instant answers, and deliver a better customer experience
Sales Outreach
Deliver personalized messages at scale, book more meetings, and close deals faster
Screen candidates, schedule interviews, and speed up the hiring process
Run targeted campaigns, qualify leads, and drive more revenue
Product Feedback
Collect valuable insights, report bugs, and manage feature requests
User Onboarding
Guide new users, offer product tips, and boost feature adoption
Community Engagement
Manage group conversations, moderate content, and build community
Internal Tools
Streamline business workflows, manage data, and connect with other tools
Lead Generation
Engage prospects across channels, nurture leads, and grow your pipeline
Event Registration
Promote events, send reminders, and handle registration and RSVPs
Automate repetitive tasks, provide instant answers, and deliver a better customer experience
Sales Outreach
Deliver personalized messages at scale, book more meetings, and close deals faster
Screen candidates, schedule interviews, and speed up the hiring process
Run targeted campaigns, qualify leads, and drive more revenue
Product Feedback
Collect valuable insights, report bugs, and manage feature requests
User Onboarding
Guide new users, offer product tips, and boost feature adoption
Community Engagement
Manage group conversations, moderate content, and build community
Internal Tools
Streamline business workflows, manage data, and connect with other tools
Lead Generation
Engage prospects across channels, nurture leads, and grow your pipeline
Event Registration
Promote events, send reminders, and handle registration and RSVPs
Product Pricing
Limited to one assistant, one chat, 200 messages, a 4-step workflow, and only 2 workflow runs.
Unlock advanced features and premium support for $50/month.
Tailored solutions for large organizations. Contact us for pricing.
Product Overview

BotBuddy is a powerful AI platform that enables businesses to create custom chatbots, automate workflows, and engage customers across multiple channels.

Our platform is designed to help you streamline operations, boost productivity, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

With BotBuddy, you can build AI-driven chatbots that handle customer support, sales outreach, recruiting, marketing, and more. Our platform is easy to use, flexible, and scalable, making it ideal for businesses of all sizes.

Whether you're looking to automate repetitive tasks, provide instant answers, or deliver personalized messages at scale, BotBuddy has you covered. Join us today and experience the power of AI-driven automation.

Compare Plans
Workflow (Coming Soon)4 step's20 step's50+ step's
Workflow runs (Coming Soon)2120050000+
Mobile Companion App (Coming Soon)
Advanced features
Premium support
User's 12 (+1 $20/M)50 (+1 $18/M)
Admin dashboard
Tailored solutions
PriceUnavailable in Closed Beta$50/month (Request Access)Contact Us